How Sourcers Use Job Boards for Competitive Intelligence

Job Boards are a treasure trove of sourcing data. This is why.

SourceCon Community, 

I was on a podcast the other day discussing how Sourcers can use job boards for competitive intelligence. Click here to check it out (or on the image below).

You ever have a thought in reflection and say, man, I should have said this or I should have said that? Well, that was me and I want to fix that here by mentioning more ways Sourcers can use job boards for competitive intelligence. I also want to ask if this would make a great breakout session at an upcoming SourceCon event. Well, more on that shortly, for now here are more tips. Enjoy. (I hope.)

How Sourcers Use Job Boards for Competitive Intelligence

  • Analyzing Team Presence: The presence of managerial job postings can indicate the existence of certain teams within a company or a desire to expand them. For example, a company posting for a manager in a specific department may suggest that they are building or expanding that team. This information can be valuable for understanding the organizational structure and strategic priorities of competitors.

  • Understanding Role Scope and Specificity: The level of detail in job descriptions can provide clues about the role's scope and the company's hiring intentions. Vague job descriptions may indicate multiple role responsibilities combined into one position, meaning they want one person to take on 2+ jobs at once. Conversely, highly specific job descriptions (that are unrealistic for one person to have), might suggest a desire to clone a former employee.

  • Monitoring Frequent Postings: Frequent job postings for the same position can indicate high turnover or rapid expansion within a company. While high turnover may serve as a red flag for potential candidates, rapid expansion can signal growth opportunities. Sourcers can use this information to tailor their strategies accordingly. Of course, it could also mean that those postings are ghost jobs. Ghost jobs are used to quell overworked employees, give a false impression of growth, or search for an unrealistic "perfect" candidate.

  • Tracking Job Posting Locations: The geographic locations of job postings can reveal where a company is expanding. Multiple postings in a new city, for instance, might indicate the opening of a new office or facility. This information can help Sourcers identify emerging markets and opportunities for talent acquisition.

  • Benchmarking Salary Information: Some job postings include salary ranges, which can be invaluable for benchmarking salaries against competitors. By analyzing this data, Sourcers can ensure that their compensation packages are competitive, helping to attract and retain top talent.

  • Identifying Tech Stack Mentions: Job postings often list the technologies and tools used within a company. This information can provide insights into the company's technological environment, allowing Sourcers to target candidates proficient in those tools. Understanding the tech stack can also help in predicting future technological trends and skill demands.

  • Distinguishing Contract vs. Full-Time Roles: The ratio of contract or temporary roles to full-time positions can suggest a company's workforce strategy. A higher number of contract roles might indicate short-term projects or a preference for a flexible workforce, while more full-time roles can signal long-term investment in staff.

  • Identify Role prioritization: Job Title psychology and well-thought out job description that is not from a template or (obvious) AI Tool, indicates a strong emphasis to hire for that job. Why is that job so important to biz rival? I better source as much as I can because they are coming for these people. Maybe take note of their marketing strategy? Where else are they posting this job?

What did I miss? I’m sure I overlooked something, let me know what those were by replying to this email. Also, would this make a great breakout session or roundtable discussion? Puh-leez let me know your thoughts on that.

May the source be with you!

Jim Stroud
Your SourceCon Editor 

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Upcoming Conferences


San Diego | Digital

October 22-23, 2024

Learn from and connect with sourcing leaders and professionals. This isn't your typical conference — it's an immersive experience that goes beyond the surface, delving deep into the innovative strategies and cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the sourcing landscape. (SourceCon)

ERE Recruiting Conference

Anaheim | Digital

November 12-14, 2024

The ERE Recruiting Conference is the premier independent practitioner-led recruiting event that provides actionable insights for TA pros, by TA pros. Join fellow colleagues to discover practical ideas, best practices, and case study solutions from leaders who share your toughest recruiting challenges — and have experience overcoming them. (ERE Recruiting Conference)


Seattle | Digital

June 3-4, 2024

The No. 1 tech recruiting conference will be returning in June to provide best practices in small-group settings from some of the best talent acquisition professionals in the world. From impactful presentations to candid roundtables to hands-on workshops, this is the conference you do not want to miss. (Talent42)

New Merch Alert!!!

In case you didn’t know, new merch is now available. Click here and get your SourceCon swag today!

May the source be with you!

Jim Stroud
Your SourceCon Editor
[email protected]