Karaoke is a lot like Sourcing

It might not seem like it, but it is. Details inside.

SourceCon Community, I am SOOO excited about the upcoming SourceCon event and about the karaoke that will take place as well. I’m trying to figure out what song I will try to sing and embarrass me the least. So far, not having much luck. Anyway, as I was prepping for the big day it hit me. Karaoke and sourcing are very similar! Don’t believe me? Keep reading.


In this issue:

  • Karaoke is a lot like Sourcing Passive Candidates

  • Meet the SourceCon Speakers

  • Fresh Content

  • Recruiter Meme of the Week


Jim Stroud, Editor

Karaoke is a lot like Sourcing Passive Candidates

At first glance, singing karaoke and sourcing passive candidates might seem worlds apart. However, if you take a closer look, they have more in common than you'd think. Both require skill, a little courage, and a knack for winning over an audience—whether that audience is a crowd of people or a sought-after candidate.

Finding the Right Song (Or Candidate)

Just as a karaoke night begins with picking the perfect song, sourcing passive candidates starts with identifying the right people. A singer knows what songs will make the crowd go wild or bring out the best in their voice. Similarly, recruiters need to pinpoint the candidates who may not be actively looking but are still open to hearing about great opportunities.

In both cases, you’re not just choosing something off the top of your head. You’ve got to assess your strengths (or the job’s appeal) and your audience (or candidate pool). It’s a mix of gut instinct and thoughtful strategy.

Winning Over Your Audience

Once the music starts, the pressure is on to perform. Whether you’re nailing those high notes or building rapport with a potential hire, it’s about engaging people. For a karaoke singer, the goal is to keep the audience entertained. For a recruiter, the mission is to keep the candidate interested.

The trick? Authenticity. Nobody enjoys a karaoke singer who's just going through the motions, and candidates can sniff out a generic pitch from miles away. A good performance—and a successful outreach—is all about being genuine. Lean into what makes you or the job exciting. Show the candidate why they should care without being pushy.

Adapting to the Situation

Every karaoke night is different. Sometimes the crowd is hyped, and other times they’re more mellow. Good singers know how to read the room and adjust their performance accordingly. Likewise, successful sourcers understand that every candidate is different. Some need more encouragement, while others are ready to jump in after the first conversation.

Flexibility is key. Whether you’re belting out a ballad or chatting with a passive candidate, you have to adjust to the situation. A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in either case.

Pushing Through the Nerves

Stage fright and outreach anxiety aren’t that different. Singing in front of strangers can be nerve-wracking, just like reaching out to a candidate who’s never heard of your company. Yet, karaoke regulars and seasoned recruiters know the payoff is worth the initial butterflies.

Sometimes, just stepping up to the mic or sending that first message is the hardest part. But once you get going, you find your rhythm. And who knows? That hesitant first step could lead to a show-stopping performance—or landing a top-tier hire.

Building Relationships, Not Just Connections

Karaoke isn’t just about the music. It’s about the shared experience. Whether you’re singing solo or doing a duet, there’s a sense of connection. Recruiting is the same. You’re not just looking to fill a job; you’re building relationships.

People want to feel like they matter, not like they’re just another name on your list. When you approach sourcing with this mindset—where each candidate interaction is a meaningful exchange—it shifts the dynamic. It’s no longer about getting them to take the job. It’s about finding common ground, just like karaoke is about bonding over a love of music.

The Big Finish

Karaoke ends with applause (or at least a friendly cheer from your friends). Sourcing might not have that instant feedback, but when a passive candidate becomes an engaged one, it’s just as rewarding.

The key takeaway? Both karaoke and sourcing are about performance, connection, and sometimes a little bit of improvisation. Whether you’re on stage or in the recruiting world, it’s all about engaging others in a way that’s genuine, entertaining, and maybe even a little surprising.

So, next time you’re nervously eyeing that karaoke sign-up sheet or scrolling through LinkedIn, remember: It’s all just a performance. And with the right approach, you can bring the house down—or land that dream candidate. 

And speaking of karaoke, we will definitely be doing some of that and the upcoming SourceCon event in San Diego. So, start practicing now. To get you in the mood, check out the video below. Tee-hee.

SourceCon Karaoke with Megan Whittington

Meet the Speakers

By now you have seen the agenda and have a pretty good idea on what to expect. Or, do you? (insert ominous music here). Over the next couple of weeks I will be profiling the various SourceCon speakers in order to give you a deeper insight of the awesomeness coming your way. Enjoy!

Pre-SourceCon Interview with Greg Hawkes

Jim Stroud chats with Greg Hawkes about what he will be presenting at SourceCon San Diego. Tune in for a sneak peek on things to come.

Pre-SourceCon Interview with Brian Fink

Jim Stroud chats with Brain Fink about what he will be presenting at SourceCon San Diego. Tune in for a sneak peek on things to come.

Pre-SourceCon Interview with Emma Krejci

Jim Stroud chats with Emma Krejci about what he will be presenting at SourceCon San Diego. Tune in for a sneak peek on things to come.

Fresh Content

Why GenAI Isn’t Taking My Job, It’s Helping Me to Do It Better

This year has been about stories for me. One, in particular, stands out: the story of GenAI and NoCode. Suddenly and globally, everything changed for all of us. Yes, I know the AI story is 50 years old, but we can all agree that in 2023, when ChatGPT came into human life, an irrevocable change took place. That change continued at a crazy speed into 2024. Many were afraid as messages started circulating, like: “Aahhh, we don’t need a recruiter or a TA anymore, we can ask ChatGPT to act like a sourcer or whatever we want.”

Do you have the education and training to use AI effectively?

Looking to explore how AI can revolutionize your recruiting process? Check out the brand-new "Recruiting with AI" course, created by Josef José Kadlec for SourceCon Academy! Sign up for a free 5 day trial today.

Upcoming Conferences


San Diego | Digital

October 22-23, 2024

Learn from and connect with sourcing leaders and professionals. This isn't your typical conference — it's an immersive experience that goes beyond the surface, delving deep into the innovative strategies and cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the sourcing landscape. (SourceCon)

ERE Recruiting Conference

Anaheim | Digital

November 12-14, 2024

The ERE Recruiting Conference is the premier independent practitioner-led recruiting event that provides actionable insights for TA pros, by TA pros. Join fellow colleagues to discover practical ideas, best practices, and case study solutions from leaders who share your toughest recruiting challenges — and have experience overcoming them. (ERE Recruiting Conference)

Recruiter Meme of the Week

May the source be with you!

Jim Stroud
Your SourceCon Editor
[email protected]