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How To Find Talent Your Competition has Overlooked (Part 2)

You say author. I say passive candidate.

SourceCon Community, 

In a recent article, I demonstrated how to find passive candidates by searching for authors. In reflection, I thought I should have said this and that and so, I want to share an important resource I overlooked before - Google Books.

In the example below I am looking for the term "python engineer." 

There are several books in the search results. Let's look at the first result. 

Clicking that link takes me to a page where I can preview the inside of the book chosen. I turn it off by clicking the X in the upper right hand corner and it removes the preview.

We now see an information page about the book and author. What catches my eye is the Author search function. Nice bio on the author. (Hmm… Bio, resume, what’s the difference, really?)

Clicking that link gives me 2 options: Search Google Books or Search the web. 

Searching the web link takes me to these Google results. Among them are links to his LinkedIn, Github and X profiles. Cool stuff. 

Now that I see that he is an expert or at the very least, knows more than me about python engineering (based on him being an author), and that I have a means of contacting him (social media), I can reach out and dazzle him with my candidate outreach skills. Hopefully.

I’m curious. Have you added book sourcing to your bag of tricks? If not, I suggest you do. Let me know how successful you are with this technique. Cool?

May the source be with you,

Jim Stroud
Your SourceCon Editor

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Upcoming Conferences


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May the source be with you!

Jim Stroud
Your SourceCon Editor
[email protected]